Yesterday I accomplished a run that I've been wanting to do for a long time. My goal was to run the Jordan River Trail from our house in Bluffdale to downtown SLC. Pretty much the full length of the SL Valley. I thought if I did that I could take the train back home, but the end of the lines are still 7 miles away from our house and I knew I just couldn't run another 7 miles plus I didn't have the time. So adjustments had to be made and I ended up parking the car at the Daybreak station and started the run from there just after 8 a.m. The fog or smog was really thick to start, I could barely see the sun through it and it was cold! About 22'F. The first five and a half miles along 114th south were quite easy as it was a nice gradual downhill. About 100' drop for each mile. I think I was averaging about a 10 min/mile pace. Once on the Jordan River Trail I knew there were washrooms but could barely see off the trail as the fog was even thicker along the river bottom. As I progressed along the trail I was finding they were all locked up for winter! So, as I ended up using another means to an I've heard others say, my whole world is a toilet!
Running is a lonely sport, but most sports I've been involved in have been individual sports rather than team sports. I believe that comes from moving from the UK when I was 11 and struggling to understand the rules to baseball, basketball, football etc. None of it made sense to me. And at that age I had only just begun to learn rugby and soccer in the UK which weren't too popular in Canada at that time. So, to keep me company along the run I listened to KLOVE radio. It has about the best mix of modern Christian Rock/Worship music.
One of the other reasons I wanted to do a long run was to practice fueling and hydrating properly on a long run. So every 2.5 miles I would eat and have a drink, plus I tried to drink at other random times. I had with me, 2 and a half packets of Cliff Bloks, a banana, bagel, small bag of skittles, 20 oz of water and 20 oz of nuun.
The miles clicked by slowly. I think I passed only about 5 other runners in the first 15 miles. It was also difficult to keep track of where I was as its almost impossible to see street signs on roads crossing the trail, but around 53rd south I had a call from London saying she was done her field trip and they could come meet me. She knew the area a lot better than me, and I tried to describe where I was. I did find running through Murray they had some street numbers on the trail which really helped. I told her I could see a road away's in front of me. She figured it was 48th south and there was a trail head there with bathrooms and a Maverick. So that was our meeting up point! I looked forward to having some company.
I got there first and found the men's washroom was locked and out of order. Fortunately the women's was open. I tried to be as fast as I could as the door wouldn't lock and I didn't want to surprise someone while I was in there.
After a few minutes Monte and London showed up and we continued running north. They had commitments and figured they could run until about 12:20 which was a huge boost to me. So we visited and ran for about three and a half miles together. I did a lot better pace with them than I would have done alone. We got to about mile 20 or so and then before they left we got a selfie of the three of us taken and they headed back south while I continued north.
The scenery in this area was nothing to write about, industry, gang tags, and just not a nice area to run in.
From there I headed north to 9th South and then headed west again. It was tempting to just get on the train near the park, but I wanted to beat my old longest run which was around 27 miles and I hoped to get 30 miles done. Continued on and again it seemed to go forever until I got to 6th west and headed north past my work place. it was about 2:40 pm I popped in there and just as I was running across the yard my boss came out of the shop, saw me, and exclaimed, "You ran to work?" I said "yup", he said, "You're %&#$* me, you ran all the way to work?" I said, "yes, it was the easy part, the tough part will be running home tonight". I then told him the truth, that I wasn't going to run home tonight but just wanted to let him know I'd be a bit late for work as I still had to get the train back to my car, go home, shower, eat and then I'd be at work. I stocked up with some water for the train while at work, then continued north to the train station. I was at 29.2 miles, and although I was totally worn out and I wanted 30 miles so, I kept running. I ran around the block and then had to start going around it again and back and forth until finally it clicked over the 30 mile mark and I was DONE! Thank goodness! It was so nice to sit and relax on the train even though its a strange crowd that uses it downtown.
One guy sat across from me, got off at the next station and left half a burger on the seat, which was taken and eaten by two other guys on the train a few minutes later. Strange.
I was stiff the rest of the day and the bottom of my feet felt like they had been pounded by sledge hammers in some spots, plus I had a slight pain on the front of my left ankle.
I think I did well with hydrating and fueling. Usually in a long run or race I can lose up to 5lbs but after this run I was pretty much the same as when I left. So for me it was a successful day. I accomplished for me, what was an incredible distance and trained myself to eat and drink better than I've done in the past on a long run.
So what distance is next? Not sure. I'd like to try a 50 mile race next year but we will see.