Saturday, July 19, 2014

Timp Half, 2014 a disappointing finish.

The Timp half has always been a favorite race of mine since I've been running. They've changed the ending a little which I didn't like but stuff happens. The course is very much the same as American Fork except for a bit at the beginning and the last few miles. AF seems like there's more downhill in the last bit. Timp goes along the Murdock Canal trail which is FLAT. But I did so well at American Fork this year with a 1:46, that I had high expectations for this race.
The previous two years I've done this race in 1:51. I was hoping to beat that this year but it wasn't to be.

The race started at 6 a.m. on the nose, not long after seeing the full marathoners start their race.

The first mile I went out pretty fast with a 7:24/m pace but after that it got worse and worse with the final 3 miles being in the 10:00+/m pace. I don't remember much about it anymore as its been almost 2 months since the race took place. It got pretty hot and I ran most of it with my shirt off.
Towards the end I remembered seeing a lot of my Run Away friends passing me and I was excited for them. A lot of people did very well today which was great to hear.

Some of the crazy people I run with!

As we were walking away from the finish area Josh decided he HAD to have a shirtless picture of the two of us!
Love these guys! I also got to meet Elsha's mom and dad for the first time.

This is probably the shortest right up of mine of any race, but even though I didn't make my goal, I registered for next years Timp Half within a few days of this it couldn't have been all that bad.

Met up with Eric after the race. He's done some training runs with us and is extremely fast.

After the race we met up for breakfast. Fun times!

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