Marisa and her husband |
London, Monte, myself and Camille |
THE day started early. 4am my alarms woke me up, a quick shower, breakfast and I was out the door and to the train station in Daybreak by 5am. I was the first of our group to show up but London and Monte were soon to follow with Marisa and her husband coming along within seconds. Sitting on the train I just made a comment Camille was supposed to be with us and then she showed up. 5:11 the train departed the station.
A few stops along, we got a text from Meridith and Shelley, they were on the train but on a different car. I sent a text to let them know we were on the rear car. At one stop I tried to get off and rush to their car to let them know but I was trying to open the door on the wrong side and the train moved on. The next stop they did jump off and run back to our car.
Meridith and Shelley |
ONCE we got to the start area I tried calling Wanderley, a guy I had got to know from California. He was at the gear drop area. I tried to find him there but failed. A few more calls back and forth and the noise was just too great to hear anything so figured I'd try to meet up with him on the course or at the end once he was done the full marathon.
Our group picture at the Moran Eye Center |
Waiting our turn |
SOME guy sang the US national anthem, we had a count down and the crowd of over 6000 people surged ahead. About two minutes after the gun went I crossed the start line and weaved my way through the crowd moving closer to the front.
Looking towards the back, about 6500 people participated |
Wanderley Reis and myself |
AT this point of the race there was a long uphill climb. It seemed like it wasn't ever going to end. Meridith and London both passed me on this stretch. London is incredible going up hills so for her I'm sure it was a breeze. We turned a corner to the right and finally it looked like a long slightly downhill stretch but even that didn't help my pace enough. From then on my pace was in between 10 and 11 minutes per mile until the end. Janet Huffman caught up with me and we ran for a bit, until an aid station, slowed down for water, she kept running and it took me longer to get going. About a mile and a half from the end Marissa past me, she was saying nothing had gone right for her, but she was plodding on anyway.
Janet Huffman finishing strong! |
WANDERING around I slowly came across people I knew. I had hoped to take pictures of people crossing the finish line, but a lot had already crossed it. I had glanced around a bit for the first aid station after crossing the finish line to get some ice for my leg but didn't see it anywhere so thought I'd try and walk it off while looking for people.
SOME of us finally got together on the grass and shared our stories. It was awesome to hear of peoples accomplishments. Becca had tied her Riverton time even though this course was 2 tenths of a mile longer. I heard later, Camille knocked off a lot of time from her previous half record. Monte got a PR with a 1:36 time. London got under the 2 hour mark which is what she was targeting. Meridith was within seconds of the 2 hour time. I'm sure there were many others!
WHILE Jonathan looked around for the pacing signs and waited for the final pacers to cross the finish line, I waited for Wanderley to finish his race. He crossed within minutes of his previous SLC finish time and we got to visit again for a bit. I also had the privilege of meeting his wife and kids. I look forward to meeting him again at a future race. He did not like the hills for sure, but neither did I.
Great memories of the day. Not the finish time that I had hoped for, but I was sure proud of my friends. I believe I will do this race again.
Me, Jill, Josh, Meridith, Shelley, Hilary, Becca, Nate and Kasie. |
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