If I get to bed quick, I can get an hour of sleep before the alarms go.
1:35am who is calling me now? Work! No! Go Away!
I'm never going to sleep.
Alright, if I see 2:00am on the clock I'm just going to get up and relax before heading to the buses.

Its 2am, I'll lay here for a couple more minutes.
What is that noise? Oh, the alarms. wow, 25 whole minutes of sleep. I can do this.
Who's texting on Facebook at this time of the morning.
My brother in B.C. bugging me to get up. Dork.
25 minutes to drive to Cottonwood Heights.
Wonder how far away Susette is, she needs her packet and bib.

I hate buses.
School buses, alright, lets get this over with.
Oh, there's Josh, why is he eating his bib?
Why do they get us up the hill so soon.
Hmmm I thought we were going to be inside the lodge.

Long line of porta potties, probably not long enough.
Why am I doing this?
It stinks bad in here.
Lost Barb, where'd she go?
Red Bull, that's a good idea isn't it?
Lets see if we can find Barb

Crap, she's disappeared.
It stinks in here again.
Better here than 7 miles into the race.
We need to meet the others for the group picture.
Still no Barb, ah there's Ibana.
Uh oh, lets go to the porta potties again.
It really stinks in here.

Its not cold, dump the shirt.
Shoot, I think we've missed the group picture.
Music get the music going early this time.
GPS, turn it on.
Its started. Lets go!
Oh, this hurts.
Hmmm. just passed Johnny, he's watching his pace, I'm not.
Not many people ahead of me. I can do this.

Oooo 1 mile done, record for a mile, 6:19.2 Good start.
Got one minute banked so far. Twelve miles to go.
Oh, hey Johnny, go get it! I'm slowing, he going
faster maybe.
Did he have to pass me so soon?
Some of these people make this look so easy.
Run the tangents

Water, half in me, half in my hat.
That. Is. Cold!
Why do they call them tangents, just cut the corners.
There goes the 1:30 pacer
Side ache...but in my chest and shoulders
Where are the race photographers...I haven't seen any.

Pacer behind me, go. away.
Girl has 4 on her calf, shoulders, everywhere, no strength to visit, talk later
I hate running.
The bottoms of my feet are burning on this hill
should be a good mile.
Hmm, looks like a dead rat, wonder if Monte saw it.
Aid station, they have GU, I need GU...ewww looks like peanut butter, forget it.

Pain in chest and shoulders is gone, now got a side ache.
S curve, cars in my way, can't cut the corners.
I hate country music, how do I have country music on my play list, but the cadence is right
9 miles done, same pace as Vigor, means no PR.
Got to speed up.

10 miles, 7:25 pace, I'm doing it.
Final aid station, not stopping.
Ouch, this is a steep short hill, burning feet, I can use it to speed me up,
oh a tunnel, get through it before the GPS loses the signal.
Final mile, I will NOT look at my watch.
Wish I had gotten some water at that last aid station.

Gonna be close, NO WALKING.
I feel like I'm doing a 6 minute mile but its more likely a 12:00/m mile.
Where's the finish?
Where are the crowds?
This paved trail is downhill...I need downhill.
Work legs, work.
There's people! The finish must be close,
oh wow, its VERY close, I'm gonna be done,
pass this guy...you can do it
There's the timing pad...
its over, turn off the GPS,
Find some space to lay down, I'm dead.
Official time: 1:36:29, New PR! 3rd out of 15 in Age Group, 85th out of 791 participants, Highest I've ever placed overall. top 10.74%. Pace: 7:22/m.
Splits: 6:19.0 7:50.1 7:54.6 7:47.8 7:59.8 7:42.6 7:04.5 7:01.8 7:35.7 6:58.4 7:29.7 7:14.5 7:31.3
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